Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Things That Go On

It seems that Mr Jimmy "Slim" Morales is in trouble again, this time over his dubious accounting practises! Apparently even his former friend, now my Good Old Friend, Mr Rajeev Rangarajan, is now able to see through the facade and brings the appropriate terminology to the discussion: Crook! The word was clearly used in association with a reference to Mr Jimmy "Slim" Morales, leaving no room for uncertainty as to where the accusation was directed: That's right, at Mr Jimmy "Slim" Morales.

In other news, My Good, Old Friend Mr Rajeev Rangarajan shares his healthy scepticism of the medical profession, remarking that for the truely stressful experience, they should try to assemble a transistor! Good Man, that Mr Rajeev Rangarajan, and not afraid to let the truth be told.

A quality he shares not only with me, but also with my other Good Old Friend on the Blog - that pearl of middle eastern wisdom, Mr or Mrs (or possibly Ms?) Lo Hoang Lai. S/he has recently produced a most impressive array of poems that all share the same feature: They are not only beautiful, but they are also very, very True!

Yes, of us four "Weblog" writers, Myself, Mr Rajeev Rangarajan, Mr/Mrs/Ms Lo Hoang Lai and Mr Jimmy "Slim" Morales, it is certainly very easy to spot the "odd", as they say, man out! It is Mr Jimmy "Slim" Morales!

And with that, the ball is, as they say, in your goal, Mr Jimmy "Slim" Morales!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh, My Dear Friend Horace Q. Horatius I can only respond with poetry written from My Heart:

    Concede consensus
    Condescend cerulean
    cradled consciousness

    Sincerely Yours,
    Lo Hoang Lai
